Fiduciary management

What is fiduciary management?

Fiduciary management is when pension scheme trustees appoint an asset manager to take care of the day-to-day investment decisions of a pension scheme. It offers:

  • Economies of scale gained through the pooling of assets.

  • Time saved for trustees by delegating investment decisions.

  • Highly diversified investment portfolio.

  • Environmental, social, and governance and responsible investing integrated into investment strategies.

  • Holistic risk management.

  • Investment advice tailored to the scheme's specific needs.
Lady smiling with arms crossed in office

Delivered by pension experts

When you choose TPT Investment Management Limited (TPTIM) services, you get much more than standard fiduciary management services – you also get the benefits of 75+ years of pension expertise. We can help you meet your funding and investment objectives, keep up to date with regulatory change, hedge your liabilities and, with our strong focus on ESG, achieve your net zero targets.

The benefits of fiduciary management with TPTIM

Owned by a pension fund

We’ve been helping people with pensions for 75+ years, and working closely with trustees for many decades to deliver robust governance and investment expertise they can trust. Being owned by a pension scheme means we can pass the benefits of our expertise on to you.

Investing in hard-to-access asset classes

When you choose TPT as your fiduciary manager, you’ll be investing alongside our parent company, combining AUMs and giving exposure to hard-to-access asset classes. You’ll also benefit from lower fees and better value for your members.

Responsible investment

Responsible investment is a core part of our process. You’ll have access to investments that have strong responsible investment considerations and are aligned with a 2050 net zero investment strategy.

Improved governance

We’re experts in helping schemes meet regulatory requirements. We take care of increased regulatory burdens such as Implementation Statements, leaving trustees to focus on trusteeship.

Risk management

At the heart of our portfolio construction lies a sophisticated investment risk management process, tailored meticulously to each pension scheme. We harmonise strategic asset allocation with continuous risk monitoring, utilising state-of-the-art tools complemented by our suite of proprietary analytical methodologies.

Get in touch

Our dedicated Business Development team is available to answer any questions you may have on our fiduciary management service.

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TPT Investment Management Limited (TPTIM) is a wholly owned subsidiary of TPT Retirement Solutions Limited and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).